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Before treatmentBEFORE - It is very important that your scalp be as healthy as possible before reaching out to obtain SMP as a treatment for hairloss. It is recommended that you use some form of moisturizing oil or lotion for a few weeks before treatment. This is especially true if you’re prone to a dry scalp. An example of something you could use would be coconut oil; but find something that works for you and that you like. In addition to limiting any dry scalp, avoid excessive sun exposure before your treatment.
After CareAFTER – After each session your scalp may be red for approximately 24 to 48 hours. During your first 5 days, you will want to utilize an after-care ointment such as diaper rash (Zinc Oxide cream) or A&D are just some options. You may start showering after 24 hours utilizing baby shampoo. Its important that you pat dry and do not rub the scalp while washing. Always dab when washing and drying your scalp for the first 5 days after each session. Avoid excessive sweating, sun exposure and chlorine for the first 5-7 days after treatment.
How many sessions and how long is each session ?Every client is different. The skin is a living organism so there is no one size fits all with SMP. A general range is 3-4 sessions spread out approximately 10-14 days apart. Sessions are typically 3-5 hours depending on the size of the area. Working in thinning hair typically takes a little longer.
Touch -UpsTouchups at Subtle Solution for original clients are a fraction of the original treatment cost. There is no set amount of time before a client will need a touchup as lifestyle, level of darkness and personal preference are all factors that will determine this. Typically, we see clients around the 5-year mark for a touch up to make the treatment pop again.
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